Branch 92 Medal collection, one of the biggest in Ontario.
This is the Webb Room, seating just under 200
Branch facilities are available for receptions, weddings, celebrations of life, meetings, etc. Contact Branch Manager Ann DeWolfe at 613 3823023 or email [email protected].
There are lots of events coming up
check out upcoming events
NOTICE TO ALL WHO VISIT THIS WEBSITE: If, when you click on a link, you get some weird page, this is not harmful but it's annoying, please click the "X" at the top right of your screen, I had to click a couple of time this morning before my page showed up. Homestead will be contacted again about this issue. So sorry.
this Legion Website will no longer be. I have been ordered to take it down because the legion President has found a new webmaster..Thank you all for you support in the past 18 years. I will still be at the legion from time to time.